Speaker: Rev Al Boyce
Al began ministry as an evangelical minister. After attending Harvard Divinity School, he became a Unitarian Universalist parish Minster in 1988. Al also holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology/Counseling and PhD in psychology.
Al has served parishes in Chester Depot, Vermont, founded a Unitarian Universalist church in downtown Miami, Florida and served the Plainfield, New Jersey Unitarian Universalist congregation. Al served the Turner, Maine First Universalist Church as half-time minister until COVID. Today, he is a monthly contract minister at Midcoast UU Fellowship in Damariscotta Maine for the 24-25 church year. Al is lead chaplain for Volunteers of America Northern New England while speaking regularly at Unitarian Universalist congregations.
He lives in Dexter, Maine with husband, Andrew, and standard poodles, Luke an Louie. Al just received recognition at the ”24” UU Ministers Association Meeting for 50 years of ordained ministry.
The Story of Our Lives
As we enter a new year, it comes with an awareness that we have the opportunity to write the story of our lives anew with the beginning of another year. The intimate risk of sharing our whole selves candidly with ourselves, and perhaps others, can be life changing. Al’s sermon will address the topic with … Continue reading The Story of Our Lives
On Being Present
What do you tend to notice in your daily life? And why? There are countless aspects of our moment-by-moment experience that we could notice at any given time…but do we? Al’s sermon will focus on being present in the moment when so much may feel like its swirling around us.
Face Everything and Rise
Do you ever get discouraged, depressed and despondent? Do you ever find yourself in the grip of despair? Do you ever have doubts? Do you ever feel at the end of your tether? As the national election nears, it’s human nature to feel worried and concerned, yet we must believe that even a despairing heart … Continue reading Face Everything and Rise
White Rockets
George Bernard Shaw wrote in his work entitled: “The Essence of Inhumanity”: The worse sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent toward them. That is the essence of inhumanity.”
Infinite Possibilities
We do not helplessly exist. We decide, each moment, what our attitude and existence will be. So why not venture all that we are and believe in all we can be?
Mysterium Tremendum
Since the earliest days of our UU faith we have been challenged to open inquiry concerning the concept, and individual, relationship to the Divine. Al’s sermon will invite us to explore the topic through the lens of personal expression.