Share The Plate
Once a month we dedicate the financial donations collected during the worship service to a designated local nonprofit organization. The members of the Fellowship nominate and vote annually on the the chosen organizations.
To make a donation using a credit card or PayPal™ click the button above. Indicate a one-time donation, or set up a planned or ongoing donation. You do not need a PayPal™ account to use your credit card to make a donation.
Our designated 2025 recipients are:
- CHIP (Community Housing Improvement Housing Project) – to support their winter fuel assistance program for those in need.
- Ecumenical Food Pantry of Newcastle – the Twin Villages anchor program for food insecurity.
- FARMS (Focus on Agriculture in Rural Maine Schools) – Focus on Agriculture in Rural Maine Schools to support their new outreach programs to local food pantries.
- Healthy Kids – A Family Resource – Lincoln County’s child abuse and neglect prevention program.
- Maine Family Planning – affordable reproductive health care services for all Mainers, including abortions, primary care, and gender-affirming health services.
- Maine Wabanaki REACH -Wabanaki health, wellness, self-determination and community building.
- Meals on Wheels Meals – provides delicious, nutritionally balanced meals for home bound individuals 60 years of age or older and persons with a disability who are unable to prepare a meal.
- MUUSAN (Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network) – our Fellowship’s connection to statewide social justice advocacy in the public square.
- New Hope Midcoast – Lincoln County’s support for those affected by domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.
- OUT Maine – partners with schools, clergy, health care workers to focus on needs of LGBTQ youth and families in rural Maine.
- Pine Tree Society Camp – Scholarship for a Lincoln County resident with disabilities.
- Restorative Justice Project of the Midcoast – promotes fundamental change in the justice system and schools.