Rev. Erika Hewitt’s Installation
The Midcoast UU Fellowship, founded 35 years ago, is installing Rev. Erika Hewitt as its first called minister. Erika was hired as our half-time consulting minister in August 2013, and the congregation unanimously voted to call her in December 2017.
This service will include clergy and guests from across the country, including acclaimed singer/songwriter Joe Jencks. Clergy participating in the Installation include Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson, Rev. Paul Langston-Daley, Rev. Barbara McKusick Liscord, and Rev. Mark Glovin. Other special guests include educator Becky Brooks, and singer Louisa Wimberger.
The installation will begin with a mini-concert by Joe Jencks at 4:00 p.m., and concludes with a reception in the church’s parish hall.
As a congregation without a building, we’re grateful for the hospitality and generosity of Second Congregational Church, where the installation will be held.
“Please help us celebrate this joyful event for our Fellowship. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Many thanks.“
Rosie Davis, Board President.