Topic: Resilience

REimagine RE – I wonder?

There’s a movement in UU faith formation to take RE out of Sunday mornings and into the rest of the week. Join us as we explore new ideas for reaching families, children, and youth. Led by Bettina Lehovec and Carney McRae. We will be in person at the Edgecomb Town Hall! Happy Spring!

Sharing Resilience

We’ll be reading from “Shelter in This Place – Meditations on 2020” edited by Meg Riley and published in 2021 by the UUA. Then we’ll break into groups to share our own experiences of resilience, and the obstacles to resilience, that we’ve had during these past two years. We can celebrate our last zoom service … Continue reading Sharing Resilience

A Prayer for Peace

The brutal attack on Ukraine leaves many of us feeling anguished and fearful. What can we do to help? How can we remain resilient in the face of such suffering? Join us for a service of prayer and reflection as we consider how to live our faith into the world.

LOL! Humor & Levity as Resilience

Humor can help our psychological, spiritual, and physical well-being. It helps us cope with stress, pain, and adversity… and we seem to have enough collective stress, pain, and adversity right now to sink a ship. Without turning our backs on what’s happening all around, we’ll choose to chuckle & laugh at coronavirus humor, UU humor, … Continue reading LOL! Humor & Levity as Resilience

The Ecology of Easter

Worship Associate: Bob Whitmire. Easter Sunday. We’ll hear from our own John Arbuckle, co-founder of Singing Pastures Farm in Newcastle, who will talk about “The Ecology of Easter”. John asks the question: How do we take the archetype of this ancient story and find hope and new life this spring?