Topic: Journey

Sins of the Fathers

Bob Whitmire, a Worship Associate and Vice President of the Fellowship, will talk about growing up in the segregated South, and his personal struggle to escape the culture of overt white supremacy he was born into. Bob is a North Carolina native, a Vietnam veteran, and a former journalist. Now retired, he occupies his time … Continue reading Sins of the Fathers

Hide and Seek

We go out – as heroes, pilgrims, foragers – in order to return with a contribution, to connect with the elements of the world, to uncover portions of our process of becoming. While the journey often functions in ways that disrupt complacent behaviors and broaden narrow world-views, it can also become an “out” that disguises … Continue reading Hide and Seek

The Ways of the Great Below

Our service will center around the oldest written story known: that of Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, and her descent into the Underworld. This ancient narrative makes it clear that our human impulse not merely to wander, but also to search, is woven into the DNA of our human psyches. We’ll also enjoy special … Continue reading The Ways of the Great Below