Speaker: Worship Associates

Christmas Eve

Sunday December 24 is Christmas Eve! There will be no morning Fellowship Service. Instead, we’ll all meet in our usual space at Skidompha Library in Porter Hall at 4:00 pm for a special Christmas Eve service of lights, carols, and readings.

In Honor of Earth Day: Spiritual Leadership for a Climate Changed World.

This service will honor Earth Day by including the voices of leaders from different backgrounds and traditions, including Native Americans, Buddhists, environmentalists, and theologians. It will also include Four Aims for Spiritual Leadership for a Climate Changed World – the words of Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill, Executive Director of the BTS Center in Portland, ME. [BTS … Continue reading In Honor of Earth Day: Spiritual Leadership for a Climate Changed World.

Exploring Anger

Live at the Edgecomb Town Hall at 10:30 am (masks required). This month the topic of our services involves an exploration of anger. Feeling and expressing anger are often difficult. Sharing our perceptions and beliefs about anger can lead us to be more compassionate toward ourselves and others when we’re angry. If you are unable … Continue reading Exploring Anger

Imagining Our Future

Today, we’ll meet in person at the Edgecomb Town Hall, where we met for 20 years before moving to the Skidompha Library. In small groups, we’ll imagine our future as a Fellowship emerging from the trials and changes of the past many months. What are we evolving toward? Bring your imagination, your ideas, your whimsy!