Speaker: Rev Ariel Aaronson-Eves

Rev. Ariel Aaronson-Eves serves part-time as the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Franklin, NH, while also working as a hospice chaplain in central New Hampshire, and finding time to squeeze in some farm work and walks in the woods.

Love at the Center

At General Assembly last month, over 86% of Unitarian Universalist delegates voted to approve preliminary changes to Article II, the Principles & Purposes of the Association. This means that we, as a denomination, have another year to study and reflect on the proposed changes, before a final vote for approval next June, which would officially … Continue reading Love at the Center

The Garden of Earthly Delight

In this sermon of reflection and celebration, Rev. Ariel will tap into the spiritual wisdom of farmers – especially queer farmers – and explore how working in communion with land helped them to know and love both themself and the divine.

Inciting Joy

Worship Associate • Tiffany Vencile We are in the midst of the Jewish month of Adar, a time when the Talmud invites us to “increase in joy.” In the midst of the ongoing horrors and griefs of the world, how is this even possible? Might making space for pain help pave the way?

Rev Ariel Aaronson-Eves

From “Creatures That Don’t Conform” by Lucy Jones. “How do we see the world as sacred again? By radical noticing. Looking for awe in all of life. Following the wonder in our bodies electric. Before we find new stories, don’t we need to sit and remember? How to venerate the world?”

Many Voices of Racial Reckoning

Mary Finn, Patti Anderson, and Rev. Ariel will share stories of dawning and evolving racial consciousness and the ongoing work that such realizations draw us towards. Together they will explore how the people we are surrounded by, and the voices we listen to, shape our understanding of racism and inform our next steps.


Worship Associate • Tiffany Vencile. As we enter a festival season, Rev. Ariel will reflect on how rituals often arise out of distinct experiences of place, and the potential cost of observing those rituals divorced from that place.

Choosing Change

“Old habits of mind create tomorrows which look exactly like yesterdays. That is precisely what makes old habits comfortable. Familiar patterns, which we know by heart, are easily followed with our eyes closed.” Dennis McCarty