Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long will be returning to our Fellowship on Sept. 2nd. She is the pastor of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Fairhaven, Mass. Originally from Cheyenne, Wyoming, she is a graduate of the Meadville Lombard Theological School. She also holds a J.D. degree and has taught elementary school. She has served on the Executive Committee of the Ministerial Leadership Network, an initiative of the UUSC.
Her sermon is “You Could Be Wrong.” What does it mean to know that we might be wrong? How can we act decisively, say no to oppression and injustice wherever we find it and stand on the side of love … in the knowledge that we will make mistakes, and that our best intentions will sometimes lead us astray? Rev. Jordinn Nelson Long will help us consider the role of humility and repentance among our UU values.
Topics: Words of Wisdom