Choose Your Own Adventure

In order to preserve the sanity of your Worship Associates by giving them a break once a month, for the time being the last Sunday of each month this Worship Invitation will include a small selection of UU virtual services, along with instructions on how to attend.

We are providing links to First Parish in Portland, and Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick. Both churches were approached by your Worship Elves and extended a gracious welcome for any of us who wish to attend. For the time being, we will be choosing our own adventure the last Sunday of each month. As our Fellowship moves forward in reimagining itself, Choose Your Own Adventure is an excellent opportunity to see how other congregations create worship.

Both services this Sunday begin at 10 a.m.

For First Parish: The topic is stillness.

For UUC Brunswick: YouTube Channel UUCB AV – YouTube

You can also go to UUCB’s website at and access the services that way. The topic is acceptance.