Midcoast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and First Universalist Church in Rockland are co-leading a special Winter Solstice Service for Sunday, December 17, 10:30 AM both virtually and in-person at Wanderwood in Nobleboro.
If you wish to attend in-person you MUST register and be willing to carpool. There are parking spots 3-8 minutes from our venue. There is a limit of 20 cars and 60 people on site. The site is completely accessible, and the barn is heated. It is a beautiful venue to celebrate the solstice, and we will have a potluck following worship (bring your own place setting).
And for those of you who would rather relax in the comfort of your home, you can also join us virtually.
Contact Carney McRae, Director of Religious Exploration at if you have questions.
Remember there are two ways to participate in this worship service:
● Attend in person at Wanderwood – Register here by December 12th.
● Attend from your home – a link will be sent via e-news the week before.
Note: If it looks like driving will be unsafe on Sunday morning, we will move to the Zoom platform for everyone. That decision will be made by Saturday afternoon.