Ministry at Midcoast UU Fellowship
As of August 1, 2024, our Fellowship has transitioned from our superb former ministry team of Rev. Anne Bancroft, supported by Rev. Donna Dolham, and Rev. Christina Sillari. Our new ministry team is as follows: Rev. Christina Sillari has graciously accepted our lead, quarter-time ministry position. She is supported by Rev. Dr. Al Boyce, Rev. Pamela Barz, and Rev. Dr. Elaine Beth Peresluha. Their biographical statements are below. Scheduling complexities are a concern, but the typical ministry pattern will be that Rev. Al will lead the first Sunday of the month, Rev. Christina will lead the last Sunday of the month, and Rev. Elaine and Rev. Pamela will alternate in the middle of the month, per their availability. From a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives, each brings deep ministerial experience to the benefit of our Fellowship. We’re very grateful and excited to begin this year by welcoming our new ministry team!

Rev Chriistina sees life and death as Mysteries to be explored. She is part minister, part shaman, part yogi, part teacher. Christina loves helping humans navigate themselves towards freedom and peace. She is from a working-class family of Greek Orthodox and Catholic Heritage. She rejected those faith-based traditions as a teenager, sought meaning in mysticism and dance, and began practicing Buddhism and yoga. She became a Unitarian Universalist in her mid-20s and values UU’s willingness to let individuals define their own faith journey.
Christina holds two master’s degrees, one in Divinity and one in Psychology. She also is a Certified Mediator, Certified Shamanic Counselor, and has a Public Leadership Credential from the Harvard Kennedy School. Christina served First Parish in Portland Maine for eleven years and now serves congregations part time so she can work as a spiritual and shamanic counselor. Christina loves cooking, swimming, the natural world, and exploring non-human intelligence. She lives in Portland with her husband, daughter, granddaughter, rescue dog and whoever else needs a place to stay.

Rev Al began ministry as an evangelical minister. After attending Harvard Divinity School Al became a Unitarian Universalist parish Minster in 1988. Al also holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology/Counseling and PhD in psychology. Al has served parishes in Chester Depot, Vermont, founded a Unitarian Universalist church in downtown Miami, Florida and served the Plainfield, New Jersey Unitarian Universalist congregation. Al served the Turner, Maine First Universalist Church as half-time minister until COVID. Today, Al is lead chaplain for Volunteers of America Northern New England while speaking regularly at Unitarian Universalist congregations. He lives in Dexter, Maine with husband, Andrew, and standard poodles, Luke an Louie. Al just received recognition at the ”24” UU Ministers Association Meeting for 50 years of ordained ministry.

Rev Pamela Barz began her ministry serving the UU Church of Saco-Biddeford and now has returned to Maine where she offers coaching to help clergy and others get “unstuck” and live from deep gladness. In between, she served churches in Massachusetts – most recently as the minister of the First Parish in Scituate. She has also served as the UU Chaplain at Wellesley College from which she was graduated with a degree in Mathematics. She and her husband live in Bath and are the parents of twin sons, one a junior at UMaine Orono, the other a Corporal in the US Marines.

Rev Dr. Elaine Beth Peresluha is a retired Accredited Interim Minister. Ordained in 1995, Elaine served two settled ministries, in Woodstock VT and Bangor ME, before finishing her doctorate and becoming an accredited interim minister. Elaine retired last July after serving First Parish in Portland Maine her 9th and final interim minister.
Elaine’s PhD in Social Science/ Appreciative Inquiry was inspired by her passion for inspiring social change through an anti-oppression, anti-racism lens, work she continues consulting with Beloved Conversations, and other DEI initiatives. Elaine lives on Islesboro with her fur babies, Gussie, a 10-year-old Minnie Aussie, and Tig, her Highlander feline. Her other retirement devotions include three grown daughters, their spouses, 2, soon to be three grandchildren, gardening, bikes, skis and yoga.