Fostering a Community of Respect and Compassion
Midcoast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
March 2023
The 2022 MUUF Board of Trustees established a Listening Process Committee to focus on a reflection of our Fellowship’s past experiences and lessons learned in order to identify and/or develop structures and resources for application within a spiritually beloved community of Members and Friends. The Listening Process matured into our current approach for Fostering a Community of Respect and Compassion. Our work was much informed by the clarifying addition of many structures and policies in the 2022 updated Fellowship Bylaws which support the healthy functioning of our Fellowship. Our approach outlined below identifies resources in place for communicating with respect and compassion. Based on our UU principles of employing direct, respectful and compassionate methods for resolving conflict, for nurturing loving relationships and for identifying goals for our community, this approach is a living structure which may be modified as the needs of the Fellowship evolve.
1. The Membership Handbook includes transparent, readily available core organizational and operational information in a single location. You can learn about how our Fellowship functions, a list of our committees and their charters, and find suggestions for answers to the following questions: Where do I go to resolve my issue or concern? How do I make a recommendation to improve a function? How do we change or add a particular process? How do I engage in existing lay opportunities? Click on the Handbook’s Table of Contents for more details!
2. Covenant Circles provide opportunities for deep listening, personal growth, and sharing without interruption within the confines of a small group setting of caring support and confidentiality. New focused Covenant Circle groups may be offered as desired or to discuss a time-limited specific topic brought by a member or friend.
3. Resolving Issues with Meaningful Communication
– The first avenue for a member or Friend with a personal issue is to reach out to the Minister for pastoral care. – In the case of two Members or Friends with an interpersonal concern the first approach is to engage directly with each other. If further support is required, the Minister may be asked to offer pastoral assistance. – Additionally, the Committee on Ministry (COM) may help resolve issues in cases where direct personal communication with the Minister or others is not viable or requires support. In cases where a satisfactory resolution cannot be found, or in which the issues are serious and pressing, the COM may share concerns with the Board.
– If the issue impacts the well-being of the Fellowship as a whole, the Board will be responsible for providing guidance in order to resolve issues referred to them by the COM, the Minister, or any member of the Fellowship. The Board may seek assistance from outside resources for additional expertise and guidance. In this case the Board will communicate with the Fellowship in a timely and appropriate way.
4. Becoming a Safer Congregation.
The UUA has published a Guide to Effective Safety Policies and Practices with defined outcomes and sample policies, checklists, and suggestions that we may prioritize based on our experience. Topics covered by the Guide include but are not limited to Disruptive Behavior, Member Safety, Building Security, Financial Safety, and Youth Ministry. The consideration and implementation of appropriate measures based on the UUA Guide is part of the on-going work of the Fellowship.