Charter: Social Justice Committee
- Purpose: First, to become more relevant to our Fellowship’s guiding principles and the community at large and secondly, to expand our Fellowship’s membership by being a visible and reliable partner for individuals seeking a liberal religious community.
- Core Strategies:
- Internal-specific to our own Fellowship
- External-specific to the Twin Villages
- Statewide-specific to UU congregations throughout Maine.
- Scope:
- Furthering the justice mission of the Midcoast UU Fellowship;
- Planning initiatives and creating opportunities for actions promoting social justice across its three core strategies;
- Identify, and coordinate with, community partners to increase support for its justice goals;
- Authority: Standing committee of the congregation; $1,000 annual budget line
- Current (2024) Members:
- Julia Fitz-Randolph, Committee Chair; “Share the Plate” program
- Patti Anderson, liaison to the Board of Trustees
- Rosie Davis, at large
- Tiffany Vencile, Interfaith Community Diaper Drive liaison
- Lindy Gifford, Interfaith People United Against Racism (PUAR) liaison
- Mary Finn, liaison to the Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network (MUUSAN)
- Mena Ostapchuk, liaison with Share the Plate (STP) recipients
- Diane Morrison, Ecumenical Food Pantry liaison