(DRAFT 8-2024)

  • Purpose: The Congregational Life Team is charged with (1) collecting, recording and distributing information regarding activities and events hosted by, or of interest to, the Midcoast UU Fellowship; and (2) collaborating with guest ministers, speakers, and lay leaders.

  • Background: The Congregational Life Team is the current form of the former Worship Associates Committee as outlined in the Fellowship’s 2022 Bylaws. This group was originally formed to assist with the creation, production, and execution of Sunday services, as necessary, by:
    • Identifying and coordinating with officiants, including ministers, guest speakers, lay leaders;
    • Identifying member participants;
    • Determining readings, music, Stories for All Ages, and other service content;
    • Provide tech set-up, including the PA system and Zoom gear;
    • Lead services.

    In 2024, the committee name was changed, and the Worship Associates duties were streamlined to decrease their workload by shifting portions of it to ministers and congregation welcomers. Its membership structure was changed to include leaders with specific roles within the Fellowship as well as a couple of “at large” lay leaders.

  • Scope: Establish, record, and maintain the Fellowship’s master calendar, providing names of contact person(s) responsible for events, including:
    • Sunday service officiant (determined by our Minister), Welcomer, Pod team, and Zoom host;
    • Religious Exploration program events and activities for both youth and adults;
    • Fellowship-hosted special events and community-wide special events of interest to the Fellowship.
    • Maintain Congregational Life Team decisions and communication;
    • Publish the Fellowship’s Order of Service and online newsletter including the relevant information from the calendar.
    • Send emails as appropriate to members and friends with information regarding items that are outside of the normal information cycle.

  • Authority: Convened as a standing committee of the Board as stated in our Bylaws under Worship Associates Committee.

  • Members:
    • Minister: Rev. Christina Sillari
    • Director of Religious Exploration: Carney McRae
    • Music Director: Susan Borg
    • Newsletter and Order of Service editor: Jennifer Ober
    • Lay leaders: Jill Linzee, Rashi Nessen
    • Board liaison: Patti Anderson
    • Webmaster: Dick Ober