Board of Trustees, Committees/Teams, and Charters
(Click on linked committee names to view their charter. Additional information on committees may be found in the Bylaws.)
- Board of Trustees:
- David Bilski, (Board term expires 2024)
- Patti Anderson, (Board term expires 2025)
- Penny Ziarnik, (Board term expires 2026)
- Ron Hiser, (Board term expires 2025)
- Rosie Davis, (Board term expires 2024)
- Michael Mason, (Board term expires 2024)
- Tiffany Vencile, (Board term expires 2025)
- Caring Ministry Team:
- Currently not filled
- Committee on Ministry
- Mary Finn
- Anna Myers
- Kate Pennington
- Congregational Life Team (formerly Worship Associates)
- Minister Rev. Christina Sillari, who keeps the Team up to date about the other ministers and coordinates finding visiting ministers;
- Director of Religious Education Carney McRae, who keeps the Team up-to-date about RE programs and special events;
- Choir Director Susan Borg, who coordinates choir anthems with each month’s worship themes and the ministers; Susan also recruits and schedules Welcomers and Zoom Hosts;
- Administrator Jennifer Ober, who keeps track of CLT decisions and communication, as well as producing the Newsletter and Order of Service each week;
- Board Liaison Patti Anderson, who keeps communication open and clear between the Board and the CLT;
- Community Event Coordinator Jill Linzee, who keeps MUUF connected to the wider community and encourages collaboration with organizations that fit with our mission; Jill also recruits and schedules Pod teams;
- Team Facilitator Rashi Nessen, who gathers information about MUUF’s committees and groups to put on the Team calendar and who facilitates our meetings.
- Finance Team
- Ron Hiser, Chair
- Michael Mason
- Dick Ober
- Find a Home Team
- Michael Mason
- Diane Morrison
- Mark Ziarnik
- Membership Committee
- Pat Kay, Chair
- Patti Anderson
- Jayne Gordon
- Kate Pennington
- Ministerial Search Committee:
- Pat Kay
- Jill Linzee
- Michael Mason
- Kate Pennington
- Penny Ziarnik
- David Bilski (ex officio)
- Music Program Team:
- Kevin Kiley, Accompanist
- Susan Borg, Choir Director
- Jennifer Ober, Choir Accompanist
- Nominating Committee
- Diane Morrison
- Kate Pennington
- Mark Ziarnik
- Religious Exploration:
- Carney McRae, Director, Religious Exploration
- Social Justice Committee
- Julia Fitz-Randolph, Chair; Share the Plate program
- Patti Anderson, liaison to the Board of Trustees
- Rosie Davis, at large
- Tiffany Vencile – Interfaith Community Diaper Drive liaison
- Lindy Gifford, Interfaith People United Against Racism (PUAR) liaison
- Mary Finn, liaison to the Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network
- Mena Ostapchuk, liaison with Share the Plate (STP) recipients
- Diane Morrison, Ecumenical Food Pantry liaison
- Visioning Team
- Rev. Anne Bancroft, Minister
- Julia Fitz-Randolph
- Lindy Gifford
- Welcoming Congregation Committee:
- Patti Anderson, Chair
- Penny Ziarnik