MUUSAN Network Meeting
We are excited to welcome guest speaker Rep. Seth Berry, D-Bowdoinham to our MUUSAN Meeting.
“Looking forward, Maine faces some massive new challenges to its electrical grid, and that has a lot to do with climate change, ” said Berry. “We’re already seeing an increase in severe weather, which causes power outages. There needs to be an investment in the power grid to make it more reliable”.
He will discuss bill (LD 1646) to establish a consumer-owned utility to replace Emera Maine and Central Maine Power. Berry said his proposed consumer-owned utility, dubbed Maine Power Delivery Authority, would function like Maine’s eight existing consumer-owned utilities and fill the gaps between the existing companies. The bill will go before the Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee of the Maine legislature (of which Seth Berry is Co-Chair) in March.
Seth Berry’s bill to create a consumer-owned utility is also another way of supporting the national Poor People’s Campaign, as it will return the “power to the people” (vs. corporations), and help to reduce electric bills in Maine (by an estimated 15%).
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