MUUF Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Midcoast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will be held on Sunday, November 17, 2019, following the regularly scheduled Sunday morning worship service, in Porter Meeting Hall at Skidompha Library, Damariscotta, Maine.
Everyone is welcome to attend but only members have the right to vote. If you are a friend of our fellowship and would like to vote, there is still time to become a member. Please contact me or another board member.
The Annual Meeting is your opportunity to help guide the Fellowship into the new year. You will hear short summaries of reports from the Board of Trustees, our minister, treasurer, and committee representatives and you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and offer input.
Please note, we will serve refreshments and have a brief social time in the foyer prior to the meeting and childcare will be provided.
I hope you will make every effort to join us on November 17th for this important event in the life of our Fellowship.
In faith,
Rosie Davis
Board President