Maine semi-open Primary
June 11th is our chance to reclaim local school boards and municipalities from the right-wing.
Depending on your municipality, the June 11th election will determine whether our local school boards and town councils will be able to withstand the organized efforts of right-wing extremists to take over local schools and politics. In addition, June 11th are the state-wide semi-open primaries.
Get educated and vote!
For example, in RSU 40 in the Mid-coast, the right-wing school board is in the process of deleting a policy that provides guidelines to protect trans- and gender-expansive kids. But the election on June 11th could elect up to four progressive members that would return the school board to a pro-books, pro-kids, pro-teacher agenda.
Every vote TRULY counts in these low-turnout elections. Learn more about your town elections and remember to vote in-person at your town office before June 6th, or on June 11th at your regular polling place.
For more information:
the League of Women Voters Guide to Semi-Open Primaries
If you want to volunteer with RSU 40 GOTV efforts, click here.