Dawnland Movie at the Lincoln Theater
The newly released, nationally acclaimed full-length documentary, Dawnland, is showing at the Lincoln Theater, Wednesday, October 10 at 2 and 7 pm. Dawnland tells the story of the Maine Wabanaki-State Child Welfare Truth and Reconciliation Commission—the nation’s first government-sanctioned TRC. For more than two years, Native and non-Native commissioners travel across Maine. They gather testimony and bear witness to the devastating impact of the state’s child welfare practices on families in the Maliseet, Micmac, Passamaquoddy and Penobscot tribes, collectively, the Wabanaki people. More information and trailer: upstanderproject.org/dawnland
Penobscot Nation member Dawn Neptune Adams, who shares some of her personal story in the documentary, will be at both showings in person and will introduce the film, and provide reflections and facilitate audience questions and comments at the film’s conclusion. Joining Adams for the two shows will be Tom Reynolds and Erika Bjorum, representatives of Maine-Wabanaki REACH, the organization that established and oversaw the Maine Truth and Reconciliation Commission process. Today REACH continues the TRC work through education and support to both Native and non-Native communities in Maine.
Tickets for the program are $6 for Lincoln Theater members and youth 18 and under; $8 for adults. The first 30 high-school students, presenting a student ID at either performance, will be admitted free thanks to a scholarship generously funded by the Social Justice Committee of Midcoast Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Our partner organization, People United Against Racism, is a sponsor of the event, helping with other area groups to raise an honorarium for Dawn Neptune Adams. This is a very important event for us all in so many ways. Please be sure to attend and encourage your friends and neighbors to attend—especially high-school youth, who can get in free.