
12:15 pm - 1:45 pm


Carpenter Hall, Skidompha Library
Main Street , Damariscotta, ME

Earth Conversations

Molly Willcox, covener and host of Talking Tree: Earth Conversations, brings this opportunity to have conversations about our planetary climate crisis in a small group circle over 6 sessions (and beyond if the group desires). This circle will convene on Sunday, February 3 at 12:15 noon at the Skidompha Library. Sessions will last 1 ½ hours, and continue every other Sunday.

Talking Tree is a conversational community that intends to stimulate growth and change in our consciousness of the Earth and in our relationships to its ecological crisis. Provocative Conversation topics are provided by the Convener and are solicited from participants as well. A question is picked from a basket, and using a talking stick, participants explore that question for as long as the Conversation holds momentum. Then they pick another topic. Molly says, “As we hear our own voices, test our ideas, and approach new thoughts, Conversation becomes a vehicle for insight and change.”

If you would like to join this circle, please register with Carney Doucette at . If you are interested in participating in Earth Conversations, but the time does not fit into your schedule, please let Carney know as well.